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  • Writer's pictureClayton P. Hartog

Utah Ready

It is often said you can take the man out of the country but you cannot take the country out of the man. Perhaps this is quite True.

Despite the sunny skies, the daytime temperatures stayed below freezing with a ‘feels like’ temp closing in on 0 at 11 degrees. It was a good thing I was ‘Utah Ready.’

Even though I have been tempted to jettison my winter garb as it has barely been needed in the balmy environs of North Carolina, today I was thankful it was still in my possession.

Yet, it was not just simple winter attire, but tried and true gear gifted to me by a couple of Utah men who know their way around being Utah Ready.

I headed out for a few last-minute Xmas errands knowing my barren dome would be kept warm by the genuine L.L. Bean cap made of the finest wool. It was a gift from my brother, Chris, who has thoughtfully taken care of my follicular challenge with this warm hat, complete with optional ear-warming panels.

Knowing warmth was a must in order to be ready for the frigid air attributed to a weather pattern named after a cyclonic explosive device, I donned these Fleece-Lined denim dungarees manufactured by only the finest: Wrangler.

As I put these fine pants on, one leg at a time, I gave thanks to my father, Dale, who graciously gave me these trousers many years ago with a keen sense of experience. Knowingly, he provided a size that let me ‘grow’ into them. He knew I would not be taller, but might need a little extra in the circumference as is usually necessary when one approaches the halfway point of life.

The ensemble was completed with an authentic Pendleton button-down shirt

that truly traps the heat due to being constructed from a similarly fine wool. It is a well-crafted garment as the pattern matched the seams in order to make you look as Dapper as a Man can in winter.

I would be remiss if I did not mention my foot gear. For as any Utah man or gal knows, if your feet are cold then you are cold and you simply cannot execute Xmas errands efficiently.

Thankfully, I still have my Dunham hiking boots with Thinsulate in the inner liner. These boots are not simple summer hikers. No, they are made for serious hiking in cold temperatures in the mountains of Utah. Or keeping this guy, who reached #Level50 earlier in the year, from feeling the age while out running Xmas errands.

It was with a heart full of gratitude for the two Utah men who provided me with these articles of clothing that I stayed warm while completing the requisite Xmas errands.

I was Utah Ready in North Carolina.


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